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Become a substitute teacher in New Jersey.‌
Thinking of starting your career in teaching? Here’s a complete guide to becoming a substitute teacher in New Jersey.‌
Like many school districts around the country, New Jersey is struggling with a lack of teachers. If you’re interested in exploring teaching as a career, there is not a better time to become a substitute teacher.  

What do you need to be a substitute teacher?

  In New Jersey you will need one of two available substitute teaching credentials, the 30-credit or 60-credit. These credentials will allow you to substitute teach for a maximum of 20 days per classroom in a year and are valid for 5 years from the date you receive it. And when you are subbing at a school, that school can request up to an additional 20 days from the Executive County Superintendent. + For both the 30-credit and 60-credit, verification of your enrollment in a nationally accredited college or university will be required. You must create an account on the New Jersey Educator Certification NJEdCert Portal.   Once you create an account you can complete the background questions and the oath of allegiance. You’ll then pay a $125 administrative fee and wait 6-8 weeks for processing. Click here for a video on how to navigate the NJEdCert Portal.  

Finding a sponsoring organization

  You will have to find an organization to sponsor you to undergo a background check. This organization should be the public, charter or private school where you plan to be a substitute, your college where you received or are receiving your credits or the school district where you live.   Once an organization is sponsoring you, you will go to the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) Office of Student Protection website and pay the $10 administrative fee for the background clearance. During this process, you will be prompted to print out and complete the IdentoGO New Jersey Universal Fingerprint Form. Be sure to fill in the boxes for height, weight, maiden name (if applicable), place of birth, country of citizenship, hair color, and eye color.      


Scheduling your fingerprint appointment

  Now you have to schedule a digital fingerprint appointment on the IdentoGO website. The cost is $66.05 for those who have never been fingerprinted in the state of New Jersey (new applicants), and $29.75 if you have been fingerprinted in the state after March 2003 (archive applicants).   Be sure to bring a photo ID and the IdentoGO New Jersey Universal Fingerprint Form to the appointment. Once you have received your substitute teacher credential and passed a background check, you can start applying for roles.   Consider working with a recruiting agency such as Staffing Boutique to help you find positions quickly. We have great working relationships with numerous charter schools in the NYC metro area. If you have any teacher-related questions, look no further than Staffing Boutique’s amazing recruiters.